How LanCity Connect Enables Internet Connection

How does it all work to bring internet connection to your home? This process is essential in receiving connection although it can seem complicated. Here is a relatively simple breakdown to explain how internet connection is actually enabled!

Fiber Optics

Fiber Optics uses Photons which are small light particles that carry the data through fiber optic cables to the ONT (Optical Network Terminal).

Optical Network Terminal (ONT)

ONT receives the photons and translates the photons into an electric signal that the router can transmit to the end user device.


The Router receives the electronic signal from the ONT and transfers data to and from the end user device via either a wired or wireless connection.

Wired Connection

Wired connections utilizes an Ethernet cable to transmit data to and from the end user device to and from the internet.

Wireless Connection

Wireless connections utilizes radio frequencies to transmit data to and from the end user device to and from the internet.


Here at LanCity Connect, we hope this breakdown has helped all of our readers understand the connection process a little better! For additional questions or concerns, please contact customer support at or call (844) 526-2489

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